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Bach documents, published by the Bach Archive Leipzig. Supplement to Johann Sebastian Bach. New edition of all works:


Volume I:Writings by Johann Sebastian Bach, presented and explained by Werner Neumann and Hans-Joachim Schulze, Leipzig etc. 1963


Volume II:Foreign and printed documents on the life history of Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750, presented and explained by Werner Neumann and Hans-Joachim Schulze, Leipzig etc. 1969


Volume III:Documents on the aftermath of Johann Sebastian Bach 1750-1800, presented and explained by Hans-Joachim Schulze, Leipzig etc. 1972


Volume IV:Werner Neumann, Photo documents on the life story of Johann Sebastian Bach, Leipzig etc. 1979


Volume V:Documents on the life, work and aftermath of Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1800. New documents. Supplements and Corrections to Volumes I–III, presented and explained by Hans-Joachim Schulze with the collaboration of Andreas Glöckner, Kassel etc. 2007


Volume VI:Selected documents on the aftermath of Johann Sebastian Bach 1801-1850, edited and explained by Anselm Hartinger and Karen Lehmann, Kassel etc. 2007


Volume VII:Johann Nikolaus Forkel. About Johann Sebastian Bach's life, art and works of art (Leipzig 1802), Editions. Sources. materials, presented and explained by Christoph Wolff with the collaboration of Michael Maul, Kassel etc. 2008

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